Grage Sangkan Hotel Spa Kuningan

14-16 Januari 2005
Minggu yang padat! satu minggu ini gw mesti ngehandle 3 acara. dari acaranya ngumpulin para petugas Cleaning Service (UMK naek oy!!!), setting sosialisasi anggota SATPAM TELKOM Bandung (ngga diijinin pergi .. hiks..hiks.. ngga dapet SPPD dong pak?), sampe rapat koordinasi karyawan di Kuningan. cape? don't ask!

Meeting di Kuningan jadi puncak ke-stress-an gw. Gw sempet 'meledak' karena unsatisfied of something. ngga perlu diperpanjang memang, karena toh akhirnya mesti gw juga yg ngelihat ke 'dalam', ke inner beauty gw sendiri (cieeeeeeeee ...).
Personal meeting dengan my boss bikin gw jadi banyak berpikir, berfikir for what I should do for my own needs. Jadi orang HRD emang bikin gw banyak mikirin kepentingan orang, dan melupakan kepentingan & kebutuhan diri sendiri. ada sesuatu yang hilang dari diri gw saat ini : my self confidence. dan I need it back!!!

With my Boss permit, untuk sekarang ini gw mau jadi orang bebas dulu, bebas untuk menghilangkan beban jabatan yg sekarang ini mesti gw bawa kemana-mana. I'll be an ordinary person and do just like what others do. So don't be surprised guys when you see me a lil' bit different. I just wanna enjoy my times by doing anything I like.

Back to Grage Spa, the schedule I arranged didn't run as I wish to. Don't blame anybody, the condition needed some changes. However, glad to see happy faces around me (some astonishing faces since the first time they got in the hotel). some silly things could made us burst into laughter (and burst into tears for the doers). Hahahaha ... that was the way you learn how to use hotel equipments for our next meeting buddies. I did the same thing when I stayed at the hotel for the first time (but not as that worst anyway!). On the next meeting and next hotel you do the same silly things, don't blame me if I will not put you anymore on the list! ;)

Hey, don't forget for what we have from the meeting. "Kuningan Lautan Asmara?" hahahaha, nope! the Commintment! obey it as you've signed it already. Anyway, "Kuningan Lautan Asmara?" Hmmmm ... just let it be the reminder for you guys who still have dirty mind. Grown up, bermain rapi lah dikit ... masa mesti diajarin lagi? hihihihi

Just wanna thanks to :
Bang Devi, for being a great roommate
Boss Irwan, for being a great consultant
You brought me into wider view. Keep supporting me!


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