Glad to help

it's nice to be nice. I know there's something wrong with, especially at Fruit Tea X-pose! there's an unlock part that allowed users to vote as much as they afford to. I knew that by the accident, and feel uncomfortable. I could vote much!! and I'm afraid the admin would judge me cheating or hacking! I won't do that bad thing, guys!
Then I wrote an email telling the truth to the admin, hoping it would be repaired soon, so that I could play (vote) the pict on X-pose comfortably (eh gw nulisnya bener ya? :P). This afternoon I found out that it's been fixed! syukurlahhhhhhh ... Hope my email gave something usefull information. If this was a help, I'm really glad I could help.


Lili mengatakan…
Iwok, makasih yah udah mampir ke blog Ummi.
Wah urang Tasik toh, sami atuh.

Kayaknya Iwok lebih jago deh fotonya ketimbang Ummi....duuuh.
Sering2 mampir yah.
Anonim mengatakan…
nah... gue setuju ama loe wok... seharusnya gitu...
jadi nga malu2in kaya orang2 gila yang hack game cuma buat dapetin hadiah doang...
I'm really proud of you Man...

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