
Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2005


Asalnya karena anak-anak Himasid (Himpunan Mahasiswa Sastra Inggris Diploma) tidak pernah punya forum untuk berkomunikasi, trus anak-anak minta gw yang memfasilitasi, so inilah yang bisa gw lakukan so far. Gw bikin group di Yahoo dengan alamat : Yang belom pada tau kegunaan Yahoo Groups, sedikit gw jelasin : 1. Terima informasi via email yang dikirim oleh moderator, atau member lainnya. 2. Bisa ikut partisipasi di setiap activity yang disediakan Yahoo Groups. 3. Chat sama members lain. 4. Ikutan nyimpen foto2 (seputar Himasiders lah ...) biar bisa dilihat himasiders lain. 5. Post message atau info2 yang mungkin bisa berguna bagi members lain. 6. dll Sedikit info tambahan buat gabung disini : Group Email Addresses Post message : Subscribe : Unsubscribe : List owner : So guys, I need your support right now....

My Mom

Guys, let me introduce you to this lady. She's my mom. After suffering for almost 9 months of cancer, she lost her strength and gave up. She passed away Tuesday, 14 April 2005, 18.15 p.m. I just want you all know that she's a tough woman. resting in bed while suffering in pain in every minute for 9 months was not an easy thing. But she passed those whole times with a brave heart while hoping and motivating herself for a quick recovery. I remembered a year ago when she didn't tell anybody what the pain she felt. She came to the doctor by herself. doctor to doctor she visited, but nothing improvement she got, until the pain got worse and she couldn't keep it by herself for longer. Honestly, we regretted we brought her late to the hospital (Boromeus & RSHS). Doctor said it's too hard to be cured. Now, she has rested in peace. I'll miss you in every single step, mom! always.

Kuis Striker - RCTI

Tiba-tiba saja ada karyawan RCTI Sport nelpon gw! wah, ada apa nih ... kok tumben-tumbennya? E ... ga taunya mo minta nomor rekening Bank dan data diri karena gw katanya termasuk pemenang di kuis SMS Striker-RCTI! Waaaaaaaa ... asyik nih, dapet duit!!! Dapet duit berapa sih? Hmmm .... ga usah diekspos kayaknya, tar ngantri pada minta bagian lagi. hehehehehe ... kalian cukup merasa ikut seneng aja ya pals! Kalo mau sih ikutan aja gih! Setiap malem Minggu dan malem Senen, jam 10 malem! Caranya? Ketik : Gol start (nama) Kirim ke 6288 Selanjutnya ikutin aja petunjuk pas pelaksanaan kuis-nya! Good luck! FYI, udah dua kali gw menang kuis striker ini, apa ngga asyik tuh? Hihihihi (don't say a word, pls)